Thursday, May 26, 2011

Wrapping it up

As we begin closing the books on May 2011, I want to conclude CF Awareness Month by saying this....

CF is horrible, not matter what side of the coin we look at.
CF has taken many things away from me and others with CF.
CF is painful; emotionally and physically.

... BUT...

CF has taught me many lessons for which I am SO grateful for.
CF has made me compassionate.
CF has made me fiercely independent.
CF has made me wise beyond my years.
CF has made me see what a blessing every breath we ALL take is.
CF has allowed me to be vulnerable.
CF has shown me love beyond measures.

... AND...

We might find a cure in my lifetime, but either way I have GOD on my side trumping EVERYTHING.
My life is fantastic because I have chosen mind over body; not every moment, but a good chunk of it.
We all will die, no pill or cure or potion or lotion will change this.


I promise to be passionate about life until I take my last breath.
I promise to attempt to make the world better while I am here or at least make a difference.
I promise to never loose hope in life and justice for our out of control world.

Thank you for taking the time to read this months posts about Cystic Fibrosis. Knowledge is power!

Life is rich and messy. I hope I have enriched it.


Monday, May 16, 2011

Face of Flexibilty

My plan to introduce a new face of CF weekly was rudely interupted by Blogger not working last week. Which is so interesting because this weeks new face of CF presents that being flexible is vital to fighting CF with positive energy. Being able to take the challenges with some degree of flexibilty will allow you to live the best life you can.

Jerry Cahill has/is doing just that. He hasn't given up doing what he wants to do or enjoys doing but rather he has remained flexible as CF continues to throw rocks in his path. It's Not About CF gracioulsy introduces us into Jerry's CF journey and how he has handled this every changing disease.


Monday, May 9, 2011

Faces of Inspiration

CF has many faces. All have different journey's, different perspectives on CF and life and each have different symptoms from CF. Not every CF journey is devastatingly sad nor hopeful. But....but....some are. A CF journey that I find hopeful and inspirational is the one of a set of twins, Click Here to see their journey.

For me, I need both the hopeful and sad stories to gleam perspective from. For me, CF has given me things in life that I would not have had the opportunity for without it. It has given me insight where my eyes would been closed.

Don't be mistaken, I want need a cure.

So today I want you to see that hope can come from devastation and something beautiful from such ugliness, by reading about The Power of Two (please click the "Click Here" words).


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

A Face to CF

May is National CF Awareness Month.... not sure how I feel about this. I mean it's great that enough "Big" people (government) are aware of CF and the devastation it brings but it also deeply saddens me to think that we need a month because of how prevalent it really is, you know, sort of like National Adoption Month (November) there are so many orphans in the world that we need a month designated to making people aware of such crisis against humanity.

Well, the primary reason for dedicating an entire month is to focus on fundraising. Another sad, reality, money. But a secondary, which should be primary in my mind, is about getting those with CF's stories out to the world in hopes to put a face with CF. You all have seen my face, but take a look at this sweet boy, Conner.

This is why May is National CF Awareness Month. If you feel have the resources I encourage you to donate here or if you don't then please take sometime to educate yourself about CF.

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