Friday, November 11, 2016

The Book Challenge

Being that I'm an avid reader and I do lots of it during my breathing treatments. I started a reading challenge at the beginning of 2016 and I'm loving it. I've never participated in a book challenge before. I love that each book I log as read notches me closer and closer to my goal. It's fun to see progress like that. Sometimes in life we don't get to see progress as it's occurring but only when we stop to compare the then to now do we see change or progress. I know that's definitely true with my fitness level.

My challenge won't officially be over until mid-night on December 31st, 2016 and I'm sort of feeling like I need to hurry up on get a few more read so that I can not just complete my goal but smash it out of the ball park.

When I signed up for the challenge I simultaneously joined my library's book club and it's been a real treat. The book topics are very unique because each year club members submit books that they'd like to club to read and then the group vote's them in or out for a total of 12 books; one book per month respectively. Not only am I reading books I probably never would have I am also getting to know many of the folks in my local community.

I will definitely be doing the book challenge again for 2017. Hopefully, I'll have the guts to increase my books read by a few more than what I get through this year.

What types of challenges did you participate in this year? Will you do it again?

~ Doodlin'

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