Monday, July 13, 2009


As I write this blog I have to remember or re-live things of the past, which we all know can be difficult. But today I came to the conclusion that no matter how hard or how amazing something was/is I am going to be grateful for having experienced it.  We all wake up some days only to wish we could simply pull the covers back over our heads and slip back into dreaming, but the fact of the matter is life is tough and we can choose to optimistic and learn as much as possible, experience tons, and become better people because of it or go thru life being miserable. Feeling emotions is apart of being alive and let me tell you I am thankful for every single second God allows me to be so. I have known many individuals in my life that chose not to "feel" what life has given them, this saddens me deeply. How can they expect to life fulfilling lives without truly "feeling" what God has bestowed upon them? 

I remember as a young child wanting to be a lawyer when I grew up. I sincerely believe this was the beginning of my love for debating. I love debate because I learn so much from hearing others perspective, while I don't always end up agreeing/believing the opponents argument I do believe I learn in the process. My latest partner in debating is my step-father, he and I can go on and on and on..... Sometimes we debate to test each other. Other times it to prove the other wrong. But always friendly.  Over the years I have learned that some people simply get offended when debating. 

So much of our lives can be debated. As an adult I try extremely hard to debate both sides in order to make the best decision possible. I know from experience my decision making has gotten much better as I age, but one would hope this as we progress thru life and learn from our past. 

My goal is always be a student of life!


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