Thursday, March 24, 2011

Things are not always what they seem...

If you meet me on the street you most likely would have no idea that I have CF. You may think I have asthma and that I am a bit on the skinny side but never a terminal illness. That's the most difficult part of having CF. For this reason alone most people don't understand what it means to have CF. We can associate cancer with the heart break of losing hair, becoming frail, or the removal of breasts, kidneys, skin, etc. See with CF unless you have a lung transplant, which a high percentage of CF patients have/will need, you don't have anything tangible to associate with CF.

For me CF brings on spouts of coughing so intense that it causes uncontrolled urination and vomiting. The vomiting is less frequent than urination but still neither is better than the other. I am sure most people have had a cold that caused them to cough so much their ribs hurt. Well it's sort of like that but on a daily bases for the entirety of your life. I also struggle with joint pain, the pain is there every single day and only when completely intolerable do I take narcotics to help ease the pain. Just those two aliments can be enough to bring me to tears and hate the realization of a new dawn. Not to mention the complications of having a feeding tube, CF related diabetes, enlarge liver and the freakin' list goes on and on.......

I am a young women who's husband has assisted her with everyday tasks; like assistance to the restroom more times than I can remember.  He, a 26 year old, has been a caretaker to a young (28 year old) woman, not a 80 year old lady who has lived a full life and before him was my mother. They are my Every Day Heroes!

So remember, the person next to you in the grocery line or the driver in the lane across from you might have an outer appearance that resembles nothing of what their struggles are. Things are not always what they kind to one another. I know when I have a difficult day a nice smile from the person in the grocery line really warms my heart! Try it sometime it might warms your too.



  1. This tells it just like it is for those of us with Cystic Fibrosis! I laughed and cried at your posting. such true words.

  2. Kari,

    I wish I could run in to you at the grocery store! You're an inspiration to me!!

    Much Love, Rachelle

  3. Kari, I cannot believe you didn't tell me you were writing this blog. I am so happy to have found this. May I link to you? You are an inspiration and I want to learn more from you.

    Plus, I am forever indebted to you for being the person who helped make our family what it is. Without you, we might not have "Tsega." :)

    I am sorry you are in pain. I am sorry every day is accompanied by your body's betrayal. You aren't going to get better in this life, and you choose to go on and make the best of it. That is no small choice, and you make it again, every morning.

    My heart is with you. Your husband and you are both rockstars, in my book.

  4. Thank you all for your kind words. My blog and writing is a bit rudimentary but my goal is to educate, to give a face to CF and connect with others around the world to enrich my life and hopefully my readers.

    @Scooping it up, you may link me, like me, text me, email me, facebook me..... :-)

  5. Love you Kari! You're a very strong, beautiful, kind, loving woman! You mean the world to so many people & have shown us all what it means to be strong. You are an inspiration! :-)


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