Friday, October 21, 2011

What's with the name?

It has been brought to my attention that many of you don't know why I sign off here with Doodlin'.  Today I unravel the mystery.....

As a little girl who came from a family who worked hard but had little money I spent lots of time of my Nana, my mom's mother, as her babysitting service was free of charge. My younger brother and I spent countless days and nights with Nana and Papa as children. They had a small piece of property that housed dogs, chickens, pigs, and horses. My brother and I loved to play outside in the pasture, chasing whatever we could. We made all sorts of fun things on the property with our tricycles and wagons. I even convinced my brother to touch the electric fence, I made him believe it was fun....mwhahahaha :)

Being that we spent so much time with them meant that they had lots of time to come up with ridiculous nicknames. The one that stuck on me was one that is still used between Nana and myself. You see, when staying with Nana and Papa, Nana would sing (yes, sing) a morning tune upon our awakening that some how included our name. For me it went a little something like....

Kari Doodlin' Dollarhyde woke up one morning feeling fine............

After that first line she would change the rest of the chorus to include what might be happening that morning or what had happened the evening before. The best part of the song was that we got to sit on her lap while she rocked us. Nana is not a stick lady, Nana has meat on her bones and I loved that. I love that I could curl up in her lap and be surrounded by her. I felt safe there. I still feel safe there even at 29 yrs. I have a time or two in my adult years needed her lap to escape the world's and CF's cruelty.

There is truly no love like a grandmother's love. Thanks for the many hours of rocking Nana. I love you!


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