Thursday, June 14, 2012

Thankful Thursday: Power of Choice

The past few days and weeks I have been on the edge of great emotions. I am not exactly sure as to why, but I do know there are a handful of contributing factors. The weather has been up and down, my joints have been really hurting, the hubby is working long hours, my 30th birthday is fast approaching and on and on.....

Today, I was standing in my closet choosing what to wear. My first thought was something drab that would cover me up, keep me comfy, keep all my self-conceived flaws out of view and plainly because I didn't feel particularly spunky. But, as I started to pull out a shirt then pants my mind wondered to that place of choosing a bad day or deliberately attempting to choose a good day. Your probably thinking I am crazy that my mind would go thru all that just over picking out what to wear. But for me, my cloths are as creative as I get. For me, they are an expression of who I am, how I am feeling and what I plan to accomplish that day. The labels are not important to me but the "look" and "feel" are.

After looking at what I had pulled out I made a choice to pull out a different less draby shirt. What I pulled out was a bright green shirt with black stripes. It all began with choice number one.

As the day went along I found myself at crossroads of choosing positive options or negative. All along the way I found that I veered towards the negative and had to deliberately opt for the positive. Decision by decision I am now wrapping up my day. The day was positive. While not easy nor was making it a positive day easy; nonetheless is was positive.

As I sit here writing this post of what I am thankful for I am realizing (not for the first time, unfortunately) that I have the power to choose. We all have the power to choose positive energy. Does this mean it will be easy, heck no but it does mean you'll be in a slightly better place mentally and emotionally than if you made the opposite decision.

Today, I am thankful for the power of choice. The power to stop at each decision each crossroad and choose which directional arrow I am going to follow. The power to allow my circumstances; whether controllable or not, to edify me or consume me.



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