Friday, February 15, 2013


I've been doing alot of thinking about community and what it really means to me and how I'm impacted by having a community. Being apart of a community is a basic human longing, I mean just look at the explosion of internet communities. We all long to be apart of something, to have support systems, to build relationships upon common interests and to simply belong. Often times it's where we find our passion for life and pursue it. It's where we learn new things and teach new ideas or point of views. It's where we find hope for the new day.

I've learned that a community doesn't have to be a anything elaborate, it could just be you and a friend. I, like most, belong to a few communities; friends, family, church, book club, Cystic Fibrosis community and a few other super small ones. I love having so many. Each community allows me to bond with a wide variety of folks that I probably wouldn't otherwise have the opportunity to do so.

Being sick a lot means that sometimes I can't function actively within many of my communities. I miss out. I miss them. It's also humbling to know that these communities reach out. If I need anything my community is ready and eager to help. My biggest problem is my ego. I have a hard time admitting that I need help or could use the assistance. But they just know and come armed with what they can give. Some bring a smile, some bring a book, some bring food, some just come and I couldn't feel more blessed.

This go around of IV's my fabulous book club has offered to help with meals. I am here to tell you, agreeing to this assistance, was like jumping from the highest rock into the waters below. I feared it. I was anxious about it. Now that it has commenced I am soooo thankful for it. It's been a huge help to my hubby and I. I just love catching up those who come to drop of a meal, it gives me relief knowing one task is taken care of.

I think when we open ourselves up to our community or just join one we quickly find how greatly enriched our lifes become and so are theirs. At this time in my life I thrive on building these relationships and look forward to building my communities. Making them strong and impactful all while enjoying our common thread.


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