Thursday, February 14, 2013


I find it sort of off putting that we have one day each year that we're to show our love, typically romantic love to our husbands, wives, partners, boyfriends, and girlfriends. It's all soooo commercialized.

Many years ago I asked B to not buy flowers or cards or candy. The flowers die leaving me sad, the cards are a bunch of fluff that I'd prefer hear him say rather than use the pre-written text and I'm not particularly a sweets kinda gal.

I want love every day. I wanted us to show our love for each other every single day. Call me selfish. Call me high maintenance. Call me delusional.

I want the lazy foot massage as we unwind from the day, I want a huge that lingers a bit longer, I want to snuggle up in a warm blanket, I want to catch him starring at me, I want the kinda of love that does, whether it be he surprises me with making dinner, folding the laundry, randomly unloads the dishwasher, etc. Not some grand gesture that is more about how much money he spent but how much he cares for me.

I can honestly say, I have this love. Neither of us are perfect and not every day is blissfully lovey-dovey  but there are acts of love towards each other every day.

So, this year we will spend this day as we have for nearly 9 years. A pizza, a salad and each other doing what we do every day; loving one another!

I hope you have love or find love. It's truly transforming, magical and wonderful.

Happy Valentines Day!


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