Monday, April 22, 2013

Seeking Calmness While Overwhelmed

I've been juggling so many balls that I'm starting to lose track of how many I've got, in fact, as I look around some are lying on the ground while others are sky high, but no time to pick-up the grounded ones and catch the falling ones simultaneously.

I do this. It's my own fault. When I have periods of being sick and not physically being able to manage anything but my daily medical needs I then find myself over-committing when I'm well. This is neither good for me or those whom I'm making the commitment. I'm not able to do any one thing with 100% of my ability or energy.

When I look at giving things up I become even more overwhelmed and ticked at myself for placing myself in this position once again.

The activities that I participate in are things that I delight in, that bring me joy, that gives me an opportunity for personal growth, that for the most part have little to do with CF which gives me a sense of normalcy. I've gotten to know so many wonderful people that I would not have otherwise.

Missing meetings, forgetting to call someone, being late to appointments and not responding to emails is not okay with me. The reality is that something has to change. I owe it to those whom I'm making the commitment and to myself. They deserve 100% of me.

I've began to incorporate meditation into my daily morning routine. The idea of mindful mediation has always intrigued me. I started a few weeks ago with 5 minutes of mediation. To allow myself a calm collected beginning to my day. This week I've increased the meditation time to 10 minutes along with 10 minutes of Hatha yoga.

I do recognize that this just adds another "activity" to my already crazy-can't-fit-one-more-thing schedule. But this activity I believe to be essential, like breathing and food.

During the past few weeks of doing just 5 minutes I felt a sense of structure, core calmness, ability to face the days tasks, my sanity and a renewed confidence. I think adding another 5 minutes and the element of yoga will only emphasize the already established changes.

So, while I'm overwhelmed I'm learning to remain calm, to restructure, to quite my mind and the let world be for 10 mintues and to warm my body up during the yoga to conquer the day.



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