Saturday, April 13, 2013

What I Know About Mental Illness

In light of the horrific news about the death of a promenant religious leader's son, who suffered greatly with mental health issues I thought I would re-address this topic. It's one that I am passionate about, it's a topic that hits close to home and it's something that I endure daily. I'm deeply sadden by the harsh critics of this leader's family and son, particularly in such of when they grieving.

I think somewhere along the way many have most certainly lost our compassion. So many need to point fingers, find answers or be able to answer the why questions, even at the expense of others.

I haven't spent a lot of time researching the why or how of mental illnesses. It could from be the many chemicals that we consume or place on our bodies that are altering brain chemistry, it could be that its always been apart of human existence but now we just have more medical knowledge to diagnose, it could be all the technology, I just don't know.

Mental health issues still have such a stigma around them. Many still believe that it's something people "grow" out of it or can "shake" it off with time. This simply is not true. Millions of Americans suffer from various types of mental illness such as depression, PTSD, obsessive-compulsive disorder and the list goes on. These are real and can be life altering and life consuming.

What I want you to know is that all who suffer from a mental illness want desperately to be cured so much so that many see the idea or act of taking one's life reasonable. It stops the suffering. A suffering that is so difficult to articulate. Many who have a mental illness are on medications to help ease the affects but those medications come with some serious side affects. Its not a fix all.

Those who love and support folks with mental illness are our biggest cheerleaders. For me, my family and friends have been there for me never deserting me when things got rocky. It takes a lot of patience, grace and love on their part. Its difficult for them to watch us go thru such torment. Mental illness a lot of times causes us to be self-destructive, which is excrutiating to watch and gives them the feeling of helplessness.

It doesn't mean we are mean people or uncaring or selfish. It means we have an illness from which we suffer the side affects. It means it masks the person inside. The person we want to unzip and show.

It is no ones fault. It isn't something we just wake up and shake off. Its chronic. Its lifelong.

For me, my deep depression and PTSD is directly related to living with Cystic Fibrosis. The chronic illness affect has caused secondary issues. I work hard to control the depression and PTSD but there are times that its nearly impossible. It sneaks up on me. Sure, I have trigger points particularly with PTSD but the depression is always there. Like a water bottle strapped to a runners side. Nearly undetectable but there nonetheless. Its powerful. It influences most my decisions. It plays a role in all my relationships. It impacts how I look at itself, how I "see" depression and PTSD, which is very different than how those without it "see" it.

I do know I'm in the trenches just like millions of Americans and untold numbers around the world. We need compassion, grace, and love. We don't need to be told to "shake it off" or that we'll "grow out of it". It wasn't that long ago that I was in a very desperate place and wanted to end the suffering.

If you're suffering please know your not alone. It doesn't go away but it can and does get better.

Please be gentle with one another. Approach others with kindness.



  1. You are showing us how to be gentle and kind in your writing here. I will try to learn the lesson. Thank you!

  2. Very well written cyster! I am glad to hear you are not at the low point today.....Family, friends, husband are all your cheerleaders and that is really great to know you have these people in your life. Some people do not have these and we should be grateful we do have these awesome people in our life. Keep you head and stay as positive as possible :)

    I am looking forward to your next post!!!!!


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