Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day: Bitter Sweet

Mother's day is a day filled with mixed emotions.

Love and appreciation for my mother, who sacrificed so much for my brother and I. For all the sleeplessness nights she spend by my hospital bed, hoping, wishing and praying to be able to walk out the hospital lobby with me in-tow. For all times she would find away to afford to take us to my favorite restaurant, Red Lobster. For all the times she carted us from sports practice, to/from school, to a friends house for a sleep-over, for letting my best friend (still to this day!) stay at our house whenever. For the patience to deal with me as a rebellious teenager. For all the small some what unnoticeable things she did for us I can now see where huge sacrifices or nearly required an act of God to pull off.

I think of my best friend who lost her mother a few years back and how difficult and lonely today must be for her. How she must be longing to hug and kiss her mother. To tell her mother how much she appreciated all the things she did for her. I am sure my friend is wondering what advice her mother would give her to help her with this stage of her life. I am sure her heart aches today.

As my 30th birthday fast approaches and 6  years of marriage is within sight, I feel as though there is a hole in my heart. Someone is missing. Our home is too quiet. There are no children's books haphazardly laying about. There are no little shoes mixed in with big shoes by the back door. There are no signs of this someone. My heart aches for them. Will I ever meet them in this lifetime. Will Mother's day ever be applicable to me?

So, bitter sweet is Mother's day.



  1. Oh man. I hear you, so much. Mother's Day has become one of my least favorite days of the year. My husband and I are coming up on our 4th anniversary, so we haven't been married as long, but nearly all of my friends have at least 1 kid and most have 2. The hole that you describe is definitely in my heart, as well.


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